
Create web store on Facebook

Web shop application address: http://www.bzking.com/webshop.

sample web shop address:

Women's Accessories > Wigs, Extensions & Accessories > Wigs & Extensions  http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inthebox-Deal/274470992633612?sk=app_377314572280094

Women Fashion http://www.facebook.com/pages/Popular-merchandise/299033550169571?sk=app_377314572280094

Electronics http://www.facebook.com/pages/Computer-Products/334116259959848?sk=app_377314572280094

Fashion clothing http://www.facebook.com/pages/Womens-Clothing/377413578944979?sk=app_377314572280094

Consumer goods http://www.facebook.com/pages/Consumer-goods-Online-Store/268998343177513?sk=app_377314572280094

Fashion clothing http://www.facebook.com/pages/Share-and-shop/267072786703020?sk=app_377314572280094

Create your web shop on Facebook page.

  • Create Facebook Page.
  • Create a account on web shop.
  • Update your Facebook page on web shop app.
  • Upload your product on web shop from your website.
  • Promote your product to your friends on Facebook.

    1. Create your account in Web shop APP

  • step 1. 
  • step 2. 
  • step 3. 
  • step 3. click "my account" to login. username is email address of your Facebook account.
  • step 4. 

    2. Create Facebook page

  • step 1.Login account and click "Create Facebook page" on administrator panel.
  • step 2.
  • step 3.
  • step 4.
  • step 5.

    3. Update your Facebook page on web shop app.

  • step 1. Login account.
  • step 2. Click "Update Pages on Facebook".
  • step 3. Click the logo to add the application to your page.
  • step 4. Click allow add to web shop.
  • step 5. You will find a "Web shop" logo, Click it to setup your product.
  • 4. Upload your product on web shop from your website.

  • step 1. Login account.
  • step 2. Click "Add a new product".
  • step 3. Note: 1)Some of web address can auto Automatically fill in the content when you enter product URL from other website (like ebay). it is quickly to fill in the conthent of the product form. 2) The item title, picture address and the original URL address are request. 3) Choose your Facebook page( you can create unlimited pages on facebook to sell anything. 4) You may contact us to upgrade account to setup your Paypal account to receive money instanst when buyer like it. 5) Also you may setup price (after discount) and list price to promotion your product. 6) Click the "Update" to finished upload the product.

  • 5. Promote your product to your friends on Facebook

  • step 1. Login account from webshop or Login account from your Facebook page.
  • step 2. Click "home page" and select one of your product.
  • step 3. Click "Share" link if you are the owner of the product.
  • step 4. Select your friends to send the item to your friends.
  • step 5. The message will showing on your friends wall.(it will showing error message if limit you to send the message)
  • Notes: It is a great tools to promot your products on facebook. Suppose you have 100 friends, and they have 100 friends for each other, it may be up to 10,000 peoples to see your send the message . but please pay attention it maybe will limit to send message to your firends if you send something like breach of rules for Facebook issued. Usually you have limited quantity message to send for the first time, you will get slowly increase in the number once your friends like it.

  • Please contact us if you want the more features for the web shop application.